<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/0e00cf3a-8aad-4d63-87de-85199fc3a8e9/bot_profile.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/0e00cf3a-8aad-4d63-87de-85199fc3a8e9/bot_profile.png" width="40px" /> Finished learning about Lending? Then you're ready to claim your BiFi rewards! You can check and claim your BiFi rewards on Rewards Page.



In this page


Lending - Borrowing

1. BiFi Rewards

A total of 400,000,000 BiFi tokens will be distributed as a reward for Lending over the course of 4 years. This distribution may change through governance in the future.


Total Rewards: Total amount of BiFi tokens distributed for Lending

Daily Distribution: Amount of BiFi tokens distributed daily for Lending

Reamining Rewards: Amount of remaining BiFi tokens as a reward for Lending

2. Market Distribution

Amount of BiFi token rewards per each asset and the corresponding APY on Lending


Deposit APY: The total amount of interest you can earn per year from depositing each asset. This amount includes both the interest on your deposited assets and the interest of BiFi tokens.

Learn how to earn more than just interest from depositing assets! Lending - Depositing

Borrow APY: The total amount of interest you can earn per year from borrowing each asset. Earning BiFi token rewards from borrowing can make up for the interest you need to pay on your borrowed assets.

Learn how to make profit by borrowing assets! Lending - Borrowing